Client Testimonials

I would like to congratulate Weeyacom for their outstanding work with a large Data Quality Assessment effort (40+ indicators) they conducted for USAID/Egypt’s SIMPLE project. Under the leadership of Ami Henson (Team Leader in this effort), founder and CEO of Weeyacom, the task was well managed and well executed. Under Ami’s steady leadership, the team received constant and positive feedback from the Mission and implementing partners. I highly recommend working with Weeyacom and Ami Henson, and would no doubt engage them again on future assignments.
— Adriana Abreu-Combs, Chief of Party, Services to Improve Performance Management, Enhance Learning and Evaluation (SIMPLE), Cairo, Egypt
A friend and fellow Chief of Party recommended Ami to me at a time when I needed professional guidance and solid coaching about how to navigate a client change and difficult consultants. Ami’s coaching saw me through several challenges, including helping me navigate a job change and international relocation during COVID. I really appreciate her practical and tailored approach. I’ve worked with other coaches who put me through workshops and curriculum they developed, regardless of whether the content applied to me; I much prefer Ami’s style of letting me drive my coaching needs and tailoring the coaching sessions to me. And even more importantly, Ami is very caring, understanding, and has a wealth of personal experience as a leader and a COP, which she brings together to make her coaching supportive, relevant, and practical. If you need an executive coach, I can’t recommend Ami highly enough!
— Kris Inman